Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Latest Schedule!

As of right now, the weekend schedule is looking like this...

Day 1:

9-10am Check-in

10-11am Orientation/Set-up/Get your own Lunch

11am-4pm Bike Rides (Rod McLennan) and Whitewater trip (Neil Johnson)
(Reserve a Kayak or Raft now at Vermillion River Rafting. NOTE: we are not afilliated with this company and none of the fee they charge you will go to us.)

4-5pm Paddling Clinic (at River with Milan Kratka)
brought to you by Seattle Sport Co.

5-6pm Bike Gear/Maintenance Clinic (at shelter with John Morris)
brought to you by Planet Bike

6-7pm Navigation Clinic (around park with Jeremy Van Ek)
brought to you by Suunto

7-8pm Dinner (get your own)

8-9pm "AR Gear Talk" (around fire with Gerry Voelliger)
brought to you by Salomon

9-10pm "Racing Green" (around fire with Team ARFE)

10-11pm Photos and Stories of Primal Quest and Eco-Challenge from Matt and Dawn Moore, and then Matt Fox!

11pm-? Social time

MIDNIGHT - Race maps made available!
Map "Thank you's" to mytopo.com and mapcard.com!

AFTER MIDNIGHT! - Night Orienteering (around park with Jermey Van Ek)

Day 2:

9-10am - Race Orientation

10am- RACE!

This schedule is subject to change at any time.

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